Get Into the Holidays, Not Just Through Them

What if we approached the holidays not as something to endure, but an experience to savor and enjoy? This year, I’ve decided to adopt a different approach: Instead of getting through the holidays, I’m getting into them. The post Get Into the Holidays, Not Just Through Them appeared first on Mark Sanborn Keynote Leadership Speaker.

Get Into the Holidays, Not Just Through Them

For many, the holiday season feels more like a marathon than a celebration. We hustle to check off the never-ending to-do lists, navigate crowded malls or online shopping carts, and attend countless events with the unspoken mantra: “Just get through it.” The finish line? January 2nd, with relief and exhaustion.

But what if we approached the holidays not as something to endure, but an experience to savor and enjoy? This year, I’ve decided to adopt a different approach: Instead of getting through the holidays, I’m getting into them. Let me share how you can do the same and transform this busy season into a meaningful, joy-filled celebration.

Be Intentional About People

The holidays are as much about who you spend them with as how you spend them. Instead of scattering your energy among dozens of gatherings, focus on the relationships that matter most. Choose to be fully present with family, close friends, and those who bring joy and meaning into your life. Engage in deeper conversations, create shared memories, and savor the connection.

Quality over quantity can make the difference. One heartfelt evening with loved ones will outweigh ten obligatory surface-level encounters. Let’s make the holidays a time for deepening bonds, not just attending gatherings.

Make Gift-Giving an Act of Thoughtfulness

Gift-giving can easily become an obligation rather than an opportunity. The trick is to shift your perspective. Instead of asking, “What can I buy?” ask, “What will delight them?” A thoughtful gift doesn’t need to be expensive. It could be something handmade, a book that changed your perspective, or even a heartfelt note expressing gratitude and love.

And don’t forget to appreciate the gifts you receive. Sometimes the most precious ones aren’t wrapped at all — like the gift of time, kindness, or a shared laugh. This season, see gifts as more than transactions. Let them become exchanges of thoughtfulness and care.

Express Gratitude

The holidays offer a perfect backdrop for expressing gratitude. Whether it’s a handwritten card, a heartfelt thank-you, or a sincere conversation, take time to acknowledge the people who make your life better. Appreciate what you already have rather than focusing on lack. Gratitude has a way of multiplying joy — for both the giver and the receiver.

Make it a family or personal tradition to reflect on the year’s blessings. Gratitude grounds us in the present moment and helps us focus on what truly matters.

Embrace the Hope and Joy of Christmas

Amid the hustle, it’s easy to lose sight of the season’s deeper meaning. Christmas is a celebration of hope, renewal, and joy. For Christians, it celebrates a world changing event, the birth of the Savior. But regardless of one’s beliefs, or lack thereof, the spirit of the season can bless us all.

Take time to pause, reflect, and embrace this. Attend a service, light a candle, or read a passage that inspires you. Let the spiritual essence of the season anchor you.

When we shift our focus from survival mode to celebration mode, the holidays transform. They become less about stress and more about significance. This year, let’s not just get through the holidays. Let’s get into them — with intention, gratitude, and joy.

I wish you a blessed Christmas and a joyful season of love and happiness.

Mark Sanborn is an award-winning speaker, leadership strategist, and Leadership Expert in Residence at High Point University, the Premier Life Skills University which challenges students to “choose to be extraordinary.” He also advises executives and professional speakers on how to speak more powerfully. For more information about his work, visit

The post Get Into the Holidays, Not Just Through Them appeared first on Mark Sanborn Keynote Leadership Speaker.